The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published an opinion piece from the RIAA and published a
letter in response.
It's really interesting when the stealing argument comes around. Is P2P stealing? Is time-shifting stealing? Is recording radio stealing? Let's say that all of those are.
How about if you are starving to death? Is going into a grocery store and eating there stealing food? Are there cases where it's ok to steal? Is Robin Hood a robber or is he a hero?
The music industry is architected to try to preserve as much money as they can while giving away the least amount possible. It's logical. No entity is designed to just give up all the power they have accumulated simply for the fun of it. Even if society as a whole could benefit.
So while the industry is doing all it can to prevent theft of its property, is it ensuring that it is being fair with everyone else? For example, part of the reason that mp3 are appealing is the fact that they are not propriatery to any company. An mp3 will work on both Microsoft compatible devices and on IPods. Where is the music industry trying to push an open format?
Let's not forget that the copyright restrictions are artificial restrictions. They are created to enable progress, to enable development, not to slow it down. So if we give up something to the Recording industry, I want to see what is their contribution to the rest of us.