
... and other observations
What is DRAime? It's a blog that talks about D, R and ...M! I know what the D stands for, I know what the R stands for, but I have yet to understand what the M is for.
Management? Mismanagement? Misery? Mystery? All bets are on!
(For those who don't know, Aime, in french, is pronounced M and means to like - which gives us DRM)

Friday, January 21, 2005

One loss for the DRM camp?

I guess Sony finally admits ATRAC was not the best idea:


I wonder if this is good news or not for the consumer? Although one could believe this is a battle that was won, it could just be part of a bigger war where devices like IPOD that support both are worse for digital rights because they essentially allow both to run in parallel: "Yes put your mp3s, and you can also put those files where we control the rights you have". At least Sony, with its in your face approach did not confuse anyone.


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