
... and other observations
What is DRAime? It's a blog that talks about D, R and ...M! I know what the D stands for, I know what the R stands for, but I have yet to understand what the M is for.
Management? Mismanagement? Misery? Mystery? All bets are on!
(For those who don't know, Aime, in french, is pronounced M and means to like - which gives us DRM)

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Well, at least there is the marketplace safety net...

This is a good continuation of previous cases.

What I found interesting was that this could potentially create environmental problems. Even if we believe that Lexmark does a good job at recycling it's cartridges, then it prevents, to some degree, that other people compete to make a better job at it, for example by doing the refilling on your own, which would save transportation costs.

One thing I don't like in the Lexmark argument is that you can always buy the cartridge without the prebate. To me, it sounds like the "if you don't like it here, you can always go somewhere else" argument.

Still, Lexmark doesn't have a monopoly on the markeplace, so let's hope the marketplace weads out practices like those which I think tend to hurt the customer more than help him.

This is also discussed here...


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