
... and other observations
What is DRAime? It's a blog that talks about D, R and ...M! I know what the D stands for, I know what the R stands for, but I have yet to understand what the M is for.
Management? Mismanagement? Misery? Mystery? All bets are on!
(For those who don't know, Aime, in french, is pronounced M and means to like - which gives us DRM)

Friday, November 04, 2005

8$ a DRM movie?

I've never really seen CD for 99 cents a piece, but I have clearly seen tons of Hollywood movies for 5.50$ at Walmart. Hence, 8$ seems to be an expensive price for something that won't be as good as a DVD.

Plus, the itunes file comes with a bit more portability than a DVD movie through the internet would. Add the DRM angle and the portability is even more limited. For example, you can move the itunes file to your ipod, but could you burn the DVD that you just downloaded to a DVD so you can watch it in your living room or at your friend's house?


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