
... and other observations
What is DRAime? It's a blog that talks about D, R and ...M! I know what the D stands for, I know what the R stands for, but I have yet to understand what the M is for.
Management? Mismanagement? Misery? Mystery? All bets are on!
(For those who don't know, Aime, in french, is pronounced M and means to like - which gives us DRM)

Friday, November 18, 2005

Don't wait too long for that lawsuit...

I recently wrote about a theoretical lawsuit that would feature Microsoft on one end and Sony on the other. That won't happen any time soon.

From a recent Wired article:

You might expect Microsoft to be the first company to condemn this rootkit. After all, XCP corrupts Windows' internals in a pretty nasty way. It's the sort of behavior that could easily lead to system crashes -- crashes that customers would blame on Microsoft. But it wasn't until Nov. 13, when public pressure was just too great to ignore, that Microsoft announced it would update its security tools to detect and remove the cloaking portion of the rootkit.

If Microsoft isn't all over Sony, it's really a bad sign. I would be amazed if these issues resorb themselves without a third-party intervention (read: a federal law).


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